Python + Data Monthly Team Membership

$40.00 per member / month

Everything your team needs to learn and improve their Python, Git, and data-analysis skills

Number of Seats:


Subscribe to Reuven’s complete library of Python and Git courses for your team with a monthly membership. As long as the membership is valid, every subscriber gets:

  • All Python + Git video courses
  • All NumPy + Pandas courses
  • All cohorts of Weekly Python Exercise
  • Subscription to Bamboo Weekly, posing Pandas problems based on current events
  • Monthly Python office hours, where you can ask any Python questions you want
  • Monthly Pandas office hours, where you can ask any Panda questions you want
  • Monthly Python lectures
  • Monthly Pandas lectures
  • Our private forum

You can pay for any number of seats with a credit card or purchase order. You can add, remove, or change team members at any point via your own private dashboard.